Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Severed Head, and The Peed On Sleeper

My stomach grumbled as I looked through my empty fridge. I needed something to eat, and I had been too lazy to go food shopping yesterday. I sighed and shut my barren fridge that only ceased to mock me now. I grabbed my black and red purse adorned with safety pins and chains and headed out. The second I stepped out my door a smell so foul it felt as if someone had punched me in the nose hit me. I gagged and covered my mouth. Then I remembered the best way to get over a terrible smell is to take a big sniff of it so you got used to it. I uncovered my mouth and took in a deep breath, letting the stench fill my nose until it went away. When it was gone and my eyes stopped watering I headed out into the street. There were workers everywhere cleaning up sewer fluid off the streets. The Sewer must have backed up....There were anonymous chunks of unidentifiable objects lying on the street, the source of the horrific odor. Green goop dripped down manholes and sidewalks. Children who came near screamed and did their best to avoid it. Probably didn't want to catch whatever disease was lurking in the mush. I walked past the workers not even bothering to step in between the puddles of sewer back-up and headed to the store. Neither the stench nor the mixture of colors in the puddles could deter my hunger. My boots made a sloshing sound as they squished piles of what was probably molded food products. My sense of smell temporarily returned as I came to a particular man hole. This hole had more of a red shade of globs dripping from it and I soon found out why. A few inches from the hole was a severed head of a man, and it looked newly severed. It had yet to decompose thoroughly and the fleshiest part, such as the eyeballs and lips, were still intact. You could still read the expression on the mans face of complete fear before his attacker ended his life. I stepped closer to him, curious as to who this man was and who had killed him. As I leaned in close a slug of some sort crawled out from his open mouth. I had a sudden moment of revulsion before I laughed and got out my phone to take a picture. I steadied my hand and got it into focus before I snapped the picture. This was probably going to be my new wall paper... I suddenly got the urge to send it to someone. I attached it to a text and began looking thorough my contacts to find a friend to send it to, and that's when it hit me, I didn't have any friends to send it heart sunk into my feet and my previous desire for food vanished. I exited out of my text and put my phone back in my pocket. Then I quickly walked away, head down. I just began walking not even concentrating on where I was going. I didn't care. Misery was a b**** and right now I was feeling it pretty hard. When I finally decided to look up I noticed I was In the graveyard. I felt a little better, dead people were easier to deal with than living people.
"Any of you guys want to see a severed head?" I asked aloud.
I got no response except the whistle of the wind.
"You guys have probably already seen one." I shrugged, heading deeper into the graveyard and between graves.
I suddenly wondered if the guy who was missing his head was here...maybe the fresher graves...? I went to go find some when I spotted someone in front of a grave. Hu...who the hell sleeps here? Well that is, besides me sometimes...wait, was it the body of the man with the missing head...? I peered around, hopeful it was. When i spotted his sleeping face I sighed, no, it was not the body...Then I wondered, would he like to see a picture of a severed guys head? I hesitated in asking him, I already looked Gothic enough to give people concern I didn't need the added fear of asking people if they wanted to see a severed head. I went to go walk in the other direction when I saw a dog run to the man, sniff his crotch then pee on him. I gasped and began laughing so hard it hurt. The man on the ground didn't wake.
"What an idiot..." I laughed before I walked away, my hunger slowly returning.